High Blood Pressure and Your Eyes


High Blood Pressure Affects the Eyes Badly

  1. Many of  you may not know that eye ball is not only a combination eye muscles and some other tissues, Of course yes it has some muscle tissues, optic nerves, blood capillaries and a cavity filled with dense liquid specifically known as " aqueous humor".
  2. You may not know that this water in the eye bulb's cavity also has a pressure too and this pressure directly associated with the blood pressure.
  3. This intraocular pressure fluctuate as the blood pressure of a person rises or falls.  
  4. If a person feels pressure in the eyes, restlessness in the eyes or eyes turned red, that could be a sign of that person's hypertension or a rise in blood pressure for a longer period of time while stayed untreated.
  5. If hypertension stayed for longer period of time without any caution or treatment then a continuous increase in the pressure if aqueous humor may result in serious complications i.e. may cause damage of retina, may cause rupture of tiny blood capillaries inside the eye or it may damage the eye muscles. 
  6. So, to live a happy life, visit physician on regular basis, keep eye on the health of your eyes by trying to keep your blood pressure normal.
  7. In few days I'll bring some more information about what FDA recommends for your eyes' health/

USA citizenship Q#9


USA citizenship Q#8


Diabetes directly affects eyes

 We know that heart pumps the blood and blood vessels carry it
throughout our body this way all cells ( group of cells are tissues
---> group of tissues are organs and all organs arranged to make the
human body) of the body gets the nutrients: blood supplies nutrients
to all tissues. that's how life goes on.

Nutrients or cells' food is absorbed in the blood from the stomach/
intestine from what we eat. so a lot of different nutrients absorb
from our food through stomach/ intestine into blood vessels and then
pumped to the body tissues but not all nutrients are 
needed by all tissues rather than different organs require a different
kind of nutrients for instance heart's pumping needs more calcium
while kidneys require sodium/ potassium etc.

All organs in our body are enveloped by a membrane that allows
specifically those nutrients which are needed by that particular
organ, these membranes also control the amount of nutrients too and
don't allow more than needed by the organs; a kind of barrier for
whatever enters the organs.

unfortunately as the level of sugar rises in the blood the influx of sugar in the eyes also increase, that extra amount of sugar makes a thin film on retina causing dim vision if diabetes is untreated and blood sugar levels stay high for longer period of time then accumulation intensifies causing blurred vision which may proceed to partial or total blindness

Eyes are the most precious gift from God, keep them safe, if you feel even mild dim vision rush to physician to figure out what is wrong with the vision. Of course it is wise to keep a regular check on health by visiting physician even if you have a good health.

FDA has recently approved a continuous blood glucose monitoring system, named FreeStyle Libre that continuously monitors glucose levels in the blood.

If you have any question please feel free to ask in the comments 

Don't forget my other article ; High Blood Pressure directly affects eyes